Wednesday, February 13, 2013

BEST BOOT for me Rain or Snow!!!

So I split time between Production Designing in NYC and then running a horse farm in Connecticut.  I NEED BOOTS all the time... when it snows or rains in NYC & on the farm... I have had a million pairs and I have narrowed down to what my favorite one is ..........3........2.........1............

 L.L. Beans 100th anniversary Maine hunting shoe!
Love these, and they are so cute and traditional! I wear them in the rain or snow. I don't think anyone can go wrong with duck boots no matter what. They look great with anything and are truly waterproof. They don't have any lining so i throw a great pair of smart wool socks to keep my feet warm!!  I love the height of them....They hold true to tradition and are the best. $139 is so reasonable for such a wonderful boot.. and it is designed to look just like the first hunting boot they made!!!
go to

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